Permits and Inspections in Anne Arundel Country, MD
Public Records Search
Permits and InspectionsSearch for the City of Annapolis building permit and planning project records by address, permit number, or name.
Permits and InspectionsView the City of Annapolis monthly issued building permit reports from 2011 to present.
Permits and Inspections, Sustainability and Environmental HealthView the City of Annapolis annual drinking water quality reports by year from 2011 to present.
Permits and Inspections, Sustainability and Environmental HealthSearch Anne Arundel County code violation complaint investigations by address, tax id or case id.
Permits and InspectionsSearch Anne Arundel County building, grading and sediment control, and zoning enforcement code compliance cases by address, tax ID, or case ID.
Permits and InspectionsView reported Anne Arundel County critical area violations with the status of the review of that violation.
GIS and Mapping, Permits and InspectionsSearch Anne Arundel County record drawings and survey monuments by street name, subdivision, and drawing number through interactive mapping system.
Permits and InspectionsView Anne Arundel County current and past food facility inspection reports by date and restaurant name.
Assessor and Property Tax Records, Business Licenses, Contractor Licenses, Permits and InspectionsSearch Anne Arundel County building permit records and inspection history, apply for new permits, or schedule inspections online.